As I've written before in another post, I <3 Chick-fil-A! There are so many reasons and you can refer back to that post if you'd like here .So recently I've seen lots of smack talk about my beloved CFA on the internet. And as Michael Scott (The Office) said something to the effect of if it's on the internet, it must be true. FALSE.
Last week apparanently there was an incident at a CFA in Cali where an associate put some derogatory names on a receipt for 2 Asian boys. CFA being the stand up establishment that they are, stepped forward and took responsiblity for the incident on behalf of their yahoo employee who did it, and apologized. I saw this on facebook. Then in the comments under their status, there was all sorts of things going on, lots of support for CFA, and then people bringing up the anti-gay thing again, people saying that CFA forces their "friend" to go to Bible study on Sundays. CRAZINESS!
So on that note is where I come in....I see it as a version of the telephone game, remember you used to play when you were 10? 1 person started with a sentence and then you whispered it down the row and by the time you got to the 10th person, it wasn't what it started as. Same here. Chick-fil-A does not make anyone go to Bible study. Yes, they are closed on Sunday so that their employees can spend time with their families and relax, and yes, if the employee chooses, they can go to church.
The anti-gay thing....I don't know where people are getting their information from when it comes to this or where they are getting numbers as far as how much money is donated by Chick-fil-A but CFA is a PRIVATELY owned company. Truett Cathy built his company on Biblical principles and faith and look where it's gotten him...somewhere pretty great, I'd say! Since they are PRIVATELY owned, they don't need to answer to stockholders or the public in general when in comes to what they do with their money.
On the donating note, our local CFA donated and supported the Buddy Walk which raises money for Down Syndrome Awareness and Support for families which is something that is close to my heart. This makes me want to go to CFA even more so to know that they are helping out our communities!
I will continue to go to Chick-fil-A. They have the best service, best food, and are a company that cares about their employees and the communities they servce. I still, and always will, love Chick-fil-A!
And if you are still going to not go to CFA because of this, that, or the other thing...enjoy your McDonald's ;)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I'm super bummed that my man Herman has "suspended" his campaign. He's out, I know he's out. He can't successfully come back from this in a few weeks. I wish he could and if he does, well then I might start watching out for those tigers in our neighborhood that my daughter wanted me to warn her about.
oh, maybe I shouldn't have said "my man" Herman, now you all think him and I have had like a 10 year affair, right?
It all in poo like everything that those women said is poo. They were put up to it by someone who already thinks they know who's going to be our next president. The women who alleged sexual harrassment were all of very questionable character. They pretty much make a living off of settling sexual harrassment or other workplace complaints. The last woman who claimed they had a 13 year affair had nothing to back that up with besides a cell phone number that was Herman's. How many cell phone numbers of the opposite sex do you have? Does that mean you're having an affair with them?
My man was surging in the polls and "they" knew they had to do something about it. So they attacked his 9-9-9 plan..."it has no merit", "it won't work", "people will pay more in tax"...blah, blah, blah...well the American people weren't buying what they were being fed this time. So "they" got back to thinking....and I imagined it went something like this...from the Veggie Tales' King Darius Suite..."we could use him as a foot stool or a table to play scabble on, then tie him up, beat him up, and throw him outta Babylon".
Although instead of any of those grand ideas, they said let's pull some women out of the woodwork who can claim infedility and such. Well apparently, it worked on Herman, which just stirs my stew. Because good old Mr. Gingrich has told us how he's cheated on his wives 53 times and apparently that's just fine. Good for you Newty boy! Way to get some! Bleh!
"Allegedly" the race is now between Newt and about a fork to my left hand? I'd say Paul but I know he's too much of a loon to get elected by all of America.
Here's my call to Mr. Trump to throw his hat in the ring...and if he won't...then Judge Judy will be receiving a letter from me very shortly...
oh, maybe I shouldn't have said "my man" Herman, now you all think him and I have had like a 10 year affair, right?
It all in poo like everything that those women said is poo. They were put up to it by someone who already thinks they know who's going to be our next president. The women who alleged sexual harrassment were all of very questionable character. They pretty much make a living off of settling sexual harrassment or other workplace complaints. The last woman who claimed they had a 13 year affair had nothing to back that up with besides a cell phone number that was Herman's. How many cell phone numbers of the opposite sex do you have? Does that mean you're having an affair with them?
My man was surging in the polls and "they" knew they had to do something about it. So they attacked his 9-9-9 plan..."it has no merit", "it won't work", "people will pay more in tax"...blah, blah, blah...well the American people weren't buying what they were being fed this time. So "they" got back to thinking....and I imagined it went something like this...from the Veggie Tales' King Darius Suite..."we could use him as a foot stool or a table to play scabble on, then tie him up, beat him up, and throw him outta Babylon".
Although instead of any of those grand ideas, they said let's pull some women out of the woodwork who can claim infedility and such. Well apparently, it worked on Herman, which just stirs my stew. Because good old Mr. Gingrich has told us how he's cheated on his wives 53 times and apparently that's just fine. Good for you Newty boy! Way to get some! Bleh!
"Allegedly" the race is now between Newt and about a fork to my left hand? I'd say Paul but I know he's too much of a loon to get elected by all of America.
Here's my call to Mr. Trump to throw his hat in the ring...and if he won't...then Judge Judy will be receiving a letter from me very shortly...
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
welcome to socialist hollywood...not that we didn't already know it...
but now let's just make it much more obvious....
cue Justin Timberlake's new movie In Time.
Now I'm not going to lie, I might have previously thought that JT was the hottest thing since sliced bread, say when I was 16 years old. And I might even still be keeping my fingers crossed for that N*Sync album Justin mentioned in the foreword of his album from 2002 that still has not come to fruition. BUT thankfully, I have matured and know what is trying to be force fed to me through the media.
So I was reading an article in my local newspaper about this new movie, In Time, and the whole concept is ridiculous but you put Justin Timberlake and a bunch of other hollywood starlets and of course you'll have everyone from 16 years old to 35 year olds flocking to see it. And of course, this is their target audience who they want to endoctrinate with the socialist agenda.
Here's the article I was reading....,0,7559769.story
I came across this sentence and thought "ah, there is it"...."With the clock ticking, they fall in love and decide the time is ripe for a re-distribution of the wealth."
Re-distribution of if that doesn't sound familiar...let's tax the rich and give to the poor.
So now, let's put some pretty faces on this lovely idea of redistribution of wealth and feed it to young Americans.
Justin, can you please stop trying to push this propaganda and get in the studio with the rest of N*Sync (who are just waiting for you to call) and make that next album?
cue Justin Timberlake's new movie In Time.
Now I'm not going to lie, I might have previously thought that JT was the hottest thing since sliced bread, say when I was 16 years old. And I might even still be keeping my fingers crossed for that N*Sync album Justin mentioned in the foreword of his album from 2002 that still has not come to fruition. BUT thankfully, I have matured and know what is trying to be force fed to me through the media.
So I was reading an article in my local newspaper about this new movie, In Time, and the whole concept is ridiculous but you put Justin Timberlake and a bunch of other hollywood starlets and of course you'll have everyone from 16 years old to 35 year olds flocking to see it. And of course, this is their target audience who they want to endoctrinate with the socialist agenda.
Here's the article I was reading....,0,7559769.story
I came across this sentence and thought "ah, there is it"...."With the clock ticking, they fall in love and decide the time is ripe for a re-distribution of the wealth."
Re-distribution of if that doesn't sound familiar...let's tax the rich and give to the poor.
So now, let's put some pretty faces on this lovely idea of redistribution of wealth and feed it to young Americans.
Justin, can you please stop trying to push this propaganda and get in the studio with the rest of N*Sync (who are just waiting for you to call) and make that next album?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Sing it Bob the Tomato (and go Cain 2012)
On a side note to what I really want to write about today, Cain rocked the debate last night, it wasn't televised but it was online. Everyone is attacking him now (which means he's doing well and they want to knock him down) but he handled himself very well and if the worst they can come up with is that his 9-9-9 plan sounds like a pizza deal, then la-te-da. Herman Cain has America's best interest in mind and Americans are noticing!
Now, onto what I really wanted to write about...Veggie Tales spoke to me this morning...well it wasn't really Veggie Tales, it was Jesus but it was through Veggie Tales.
It doesn't matter if you're listening/singing worship songs in church, in the shower, or in the car while Bob the Tomato is belting it out, it's the same message..."Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God, You are higher than any other"
As I was singing along with the songs, I was literally brought to tears (in such a good way). Our God is greater and stronger and loves us so much, He gave His only Son to die on the cross for us. He is Amazing! And I'm so thankful that I was raised by 2 parents that knew of God's love and shared it with me. As I was listening to Mady in the backseat singing along, it just warmed my heart. She already knows how much Jesus loves her!
God's love and what He did for us is such a simple concept but it's not easy for people to understand. We are all sinners and deserve death but God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and take our place. All we have to do is...believe! Just believe that He did this and give Him our heart and we will have eternal life in heaven with Him. I think it's easier for a child to understand this because they don't have all of the doubt and negativity that adults have so when you present the truth to them, they believe it. It's so simple and I pray that if you are reading this, you know of God's love and have given your heart to Him.
And if you want a little Veggie Tales to make your day brighter...check it out here
As Larry the Cucumber says "Testify Tomato" :)
Now, onto what I really wanted to write about...Veggie Tales spoke to me this morning...well it wasn't really Veggie Tales, it was Jesus but it was through Veggie Tales.
It doesn't matter if you're listening/singing worship songs in church, in the shower, or in the car while Bob the Tomato is belting it out, it's the same message..."Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God, You are higher than any other"
As I was singing along with the songs, I was literally brought to tears (in such a good way). Our God is greater and stronger and loves us so much, He gave His only Son to die on the cross for us. He is Amazing! And I'm so thankful that I was raised by 2 parents that knew of God's love and shared it with me. As I was listening to Mady in the backseat singing along, it just warmed my heart. She already knows how much Jesus loves her!
God's love and what He did for us is such a simple concept but it's not easy for people to understand. We are all sinners and deserve death but God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and take our place. All we have to do is...believe! Just believe that He did this and give Him our heart and we will have eternal life in heaven with Him. I think it's easier for a child to understand this because they don't have all of the doubt and negativity that adults have so when you present the truth to them, they believe it. It's so simple and I pray that if you are reading this, you know of God's love and have given your heart to Him.
And if you want a little Veggie Tales to make your day brighter...check it out here
As Larry the Cucumber says "Testify Tomato" :)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
"And the winner of the Republican Presidential debate is...nobody" ??????
That was the opening of a news story this morning on an ABC affiliate.
Why? Why? Why is nobody the winner? Because they don't want the story to be that Herman Cain was the winner, they still want to put a twist on the story to put all of the headlines on Perry and Romney.
The opening should have been "Cain is the winner of the debate by a long shot". He won the straw poll with 37% of the vote, Perry was next with 15%.
The media is going to try to spin things the way they want things to end up and that's either with Perry or Romney as the Republican candidate. Perry I'm ok with, not my first choice (that would be Cain), but Romney, no way jose!
Cain was the winner of the straw poll as he should be. He might not have any political experience but I'm okay with that. He has "common sense solutions" to our country's problems and holds the same views on all of the "big" issues that I have.
If you don't know who he is, find out... If you know who he is, start supporting him!
Why? Why? Why is nobody the winner? Because they don't want the story to be that Herman Cain was the winner, they still want to put a twist on the story to put all of the headlines on Perry and Romney.
The opening should have been "Cain is the winner of the debate by a long shot". He won the straw poll with 37% of the vote, Perry was next with 15%.
The media is going to try to spin things the way they want things to end up and that's either with Perry or Romney as the Republican candidate. Perry I'm ok with, not my first choice (that would be Cain), but Romney, no way jose!
Cain was the winner of the straw poll as he should be. He might not have any political experience but I'm okay with that. He has "common sense solutions" to our country's problems and holds the same views on all of the "big" issues that I have.
If you don't know who he is, find out... If you know who he is, start supporting him!
Monday, September 5, 2011
life lessons at 3 years old...the consequences of your choices
A few weeks ago, Mady saw earrings on someone that made her say she wanted her ears pierced. I told her it would hurt and she quickly shot back, "Nah, I don't want my ears pierced."
Fair enough.
Fast forward to last Tuesday, Mady sees some of my earrings and asks me to put them in her ears. I told her I couldn't because her ears weren't pierced. So she says she wants her ears pierced. Deja vu, "It's going to hurt." Different response though this time, "That's ok". "Here, let mommy show you a little of how it will feel"(as I'm squeezing both of her ears with my fingers with a decent amount of strength behind my fingers). "I want my ears pierced", she says. "Ok, we'll talk to daddy about it."
So Daddy was ok with it and off we went to Claire's (which I thought would be the cheapest, but most qualified to do it...wrong, in relation to the cheapest). Although it's been ages since I've gotten my ears pierced, I was thinking we were going to be in the $20, try $47!!!! Had we not already agreed to it, this would have been a gift for her at a different time.
Enough on the outrageous price we paid to have our child scream her head off...
She sat in the chair like a super big girl and was very serious as she watched the associate get everything ready for the piercing. And we were ready for the first earring...she held my hand to squeeze when it hurt...instead of squeezing, she retracted her hand from me to push away the piercing gun as the girl did it and CRIED. It was as bad as when we cut her toenails (which she despises by the way). So, one down, one to go.
She would not sit still to let the girl get near her. She was turning her head, covering her ear with her hands, she wanted off of the chair. I'm trying to bribe her with cookies, lollipops, the girl tried a toy from the store, the fountains outside to run through....everything. It was apparent we were going to have a 3 year old making a fashion statement with 1 earring. So, I finally was holding her and was able to hold her head still and the girl got the other ear. Mady calmed down surprisingly quick after that then.
Now for the life lesson...the consequence of her choice was a little bit of pain. She was warned of it and still wanted to do it. We can hope that she'll remember that lesson and apply it to other situations as she gets older.
It's incredible when you think of what Jesus did on the cross for us. He knew the consequence of His choice for us and He loved us so much that He went through that unbelievable pain of dying on a cross so that we can have eternity with Him. A-Mazing!
Fair enough.
Fast forward to last Tuesday, Mady sees some of my earrings and asks me to put them in her ears. I told her I couldn't because her ears weren't pierced. So she says she wants her ears pierced. Deja vu, "It's going to hurt." Different response though this time, "That's ok". "Here, let mommy show you a little of how it will feel"(as I'm squeezing both of her ears with my fingers with a decent amount of strength behind my fingers). "I want my ears pierced", she says. "Ok, we'll talk to daddy about it."
So Daddy was ok with it and off we went to Claire's (which I thought would be the cheapest, but most qualified to do it...wrong, in relation to the cheapest). Although it's been ages since I've gotten my ears pierced, I was thinking we were going to be in the $20, try $47!!!! Had we not already agreed to it, this would have been a gift for her at a different time.
Enough on the outrageous price we paid to have our child scream her head off...
She sat in the chair like a super big girl and was very serious as she watched the associate get everything ready for the piercing. And we were ready for the first earring...she held my hand to squeeze when it hurt...instead of squeezing, she retracted her hand from me to push away the piercing gun as the girl did it and CRIED. It was as bad as when we cut her toenails (which she despises by the way). So, one down, one to go.
She would not sit still to let the girl get near her. She was turning her head, covering her ear with her hands, she wanted off of the chair. I'm trying to bribe her with cookies, lollipops, the girl tried a toy from the store, the fountains outside to run through....everything. It was apparent we were going to have a 3 year old making a fashion statement with 1 earring. So, I finally was holding her and was able to hold her head still and the girl got the other ear. Mady calmed down surprisingly quick after that then.
Now for the life lesson...the consequence of her choice was a little bit of pain. She was warned of it and still wanted to do it. We can hope that she'll remember that lesson and apply it to other situations as she gets older.
It's incredible when you think of what Jesus did on the cross for us. He knew the consequence of His choice for us and He loved us so much that He went through that unbelievable pain of dying on a cross so that we can have eternity with Him. A-Mazing!
They sure do look cute on her! I think she did make a good choice :)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
"I think it smells like thunder in here"
I was so looking forward to Mady being potty trained.
And then it happened, which means using public restrooms....
So, I have Mady hovering on the gigantic toilet (unless were at Ikea, because they have kiddie size toilets that are awesome sauce), Cara on my left hip (trying to keep her from reaching out and touching the toilet, the walls, the floor, etc.) and the first time I had the joy of experiencing this, I thought to myself, "why can't she just be in a diaper still?"
Now that was months ago and I'm so happy she is potty trained and she had provided me with many giggles in public restrooms but we had one the other day that I thought I would share.
She has never commented before on the smells in any bathroom so this was a first. We were out at a restaurant and we go in the bathroom and she immediately says "what's that smell mommy?" and I said, "I don't know honey". I didn't, it was just a stale bathroom smell. It wasn't like someone had just dropped a duece and I could give her a definitive answer. So she was satisfied with my answer and dropped it.
Well we had to use the potty one more time before we left and as soon as we entered again, she asked "what's that smell mommy?" Again, "I don't know honey". Apparently, this would not suffice this time and she decided to venture a guess at the smell..."I think it smells like thunder in here"
"maybe honey" :)
I have pictures of Mady on the potty and I considered posting one here because it seems appropriate but I'm going to save her some embarrassment and abstain.
On a potty training note, for those who have kids of potty training age, this is a must!
Kalencom 2-in-1 Potette Plus Red - this is awesome sauce on red bull! you can use it in the car, on the go, and also on big potties (if you want to carry it in with you somewhere, i do not, but you can). Also, I just use regular plastic bags from target, giant, etc. instead of the ones you can buy for it. Just put a paper towel or two in the bottom and it's just as good.
And on that, I think I have to tinkle myself now.
Happy Trails!
And then it happened, which means using public restrooms....
So, I have Mady hovering on the gigantic toilet (unless were at Ikea, because they have kiddie size toilets that are awesome sauce), Cara on my left hip (trying to keep her from reaching out and touching the toilet, the walls, the floor, etc.) and the first time I had the joy of experiencing this, I thought to myself, "why can't she just be in a diaper still?"
Now that was months ago and I'm so happy she is potty trained and she had provided me with many giggles in public restrooms but we had one the other day that I thought I would share.
She has never commented before on the smells in any bathroom so this was a first. We were out at a restaurant and we go in the bathroom and she immediately says "what's that smell mommy?" and I said, "I don't know honey". I didn't, it was just a stale bathroom smell. It wasn't like someone had just dropped a duece and I could give her a definitive answer. So she was satisfied with my answer and dropped it.
Well we had to use the potty one more time before we left and as soon as we entered again, she asked "what's that smell mommy?" Again, "I don't know honey". Apparently, this would not suffice this time and she decided to venture a guess at the smell..."I think it smells like thunder in here"
"maybe honey" :)
I have pictures of Mady on the potty and I considered posting one here because it seems appropriate but I'm going to save her some embarrassment and abstain.
On a potty training note, for those who have kids of potty training age, this is a must!
Kalencom 2-in-1 Potette Plus Red - this is awesome sauce on red bull! you can use it in the car, on the go, and also on big potties (if you want to carry it in with you somewhere, i do not, but you can). Also, I just use regular plastic bags from target, giant, etc. instead of the ones you can buy for it. Just put a paper towel or two in the bottom and it's just as good.
And on that, I think I have to tinkle myself now.
Happy Trails!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
"aww, she's my best friend"
I want to start having an attitude towards everyone that I meet like my daughter does. She's such a lover with a kind heart.
She's become much more outgoing recently and just goes up to other kids and asks "what's your name?", waits for the answer, and then says enthusiastically, "my name's Mady". Most of the time, the conversation doesn't go much further then there but she'll look up at me with such excitement and repeat the child's name. She'll then ask a few questions about the kid, where do they live, do they have a dog, etc. A little while later once we have left wherever this other childe was, she'll start telling me about them again and say, "aww, she/he's my best friend".
We were at Chick-fil-A the other day, shocker I know, and there was another little girl named Mady. The other Mady was younger than her and the only reason we knew her name was from her grandma. The other Mady did not say a word to Mady and they barely played together but when we left there, right on cue, she said, "aww, she's my best friend".
To Mady, everyone she is meeting is new and exciting and her friend. She never has a mean or unkind thing to say about any of them. She never says she doesn't like someone. She doesn't look at their shoes and say "look at thoses bobos she has on mommy".
If I could look at all of my future relationships with people and my existing ones with the same love that Mady has for all of hers, I would be thrilled. I know I can do this with the help of Jesus who was the first One to look at all of us with a love that I can't even imagine.
So here's to a new outlook on the people that I worries, I'll still use my keen weirdo radar and make sure I'm not BFF-ing them ;)
My BFF since AWANA Cubbies at age 4 <3
She's become much more outgoing recently and just goes up to other kids and asks "what's your name?", waits for the answer, and then says enthusiastically, "my name's Mady". Most of the time, the conversation doesn't go much further then there but she'll look up at me with such excitement and repeat the child's name. She'll then ask a few questions about the kid, where do they live, do they have a dog, etc. A little while later once we have left wherever this other childe was, she'll start telling me about them again and say, "aww, she/he's my best friend".
We were at Chick-fil-A the other day, shocker I know, and there was another little girl named Mady. The other Mady was younger than her and the only reason we knew her name was from her grandma. The other Mady did not say a word to Mady and they barely played together but when we left there, right on cue, she said, "aww, she's my best friend".
To Mady, everyone she is meeting is new and exciting and her friend. She never has a mean or unkind thing to say about any of them. She never says she doesn't like someone. She doesn't look at their shoes and say "look at thoses bobos she has on mommy".
If I could look at all of my future relationships with people and my existing ones with the same love that Mady has for all of hers, I would be thrilled. I know I can do this with the help of Jesus who was the first One to look at all of us with a love that I can't even imagine.
So here's to a new outlook on the people that I worries, I'll still use my keen weirdo radar and make sure I'm not BFF-ing them ;)
My BFF since AWANA Cubbies at age 4 <3
Friday, July 22, 2011
I Love Chick-fil-A
It's by far the best fast food establishment there is. Given the choice of any fast food, I would pick CFA (as I lovingly refer to it). I would even pick it over some sit down restaurants. The food is superb (and fresh, no frozen processed stuff), the service always exceeds my expectations, and they have the cow, who wouldn't love the cow??
In addition to all of the wonderful attributes, Chick-fil-A is a great company. They are closed on Sundays so employees can have the day off to go to church, spend time with their families, and relax. They have wonderful programs for the people that work there to excel and for children they have the WinShape Foundation that includes foster programs. Truett Cathy, the founder, is an upstanding, admirable, inspirational guy. He's written several books and I suggest them if you want a good read:
Eat Mor Chikin: Inspire More People, It's Better to Build Boys than Mend Men.
It's been "My Pleasure" writing about Chick-fil-A today, don't be surprised if I do it again in the near future, I <3 them!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Pretty much everyday, one of the first things out of Mady's mouth is "so, what are we doing today?" And normally, I give her the run down. But today, today was different, I thought to myself for a moment and said, "nothing". Her response, "so, where are we going?" I said, "nowhere".
And it was a lovely day of nothing...we don't have many of those around these parts but today we did and I enjoyed it. We went out for a run before it got too hot, played with lots of toys, painted all of our toenails, ate lunch, had naps, played more until daddy came home. And when daddy came home, he said it looked like a hurricane had hit all of the rooms but 1 bedroom.
True story, there were toys EVERYWHERE, bathrooms included. And I said, this is what happens when we stay home all day.
But what also happens when we stay home all day is that I can appreciate everything that I have right here in arm's reach. I LOVED every second of playing with my girls. I LOVED getting to lay out for 20 min while they napped. I LOVED feeling the sun beating on me and hearing the birds chirping.
God is so good. All the time.
I need to take my more to appreciate everything and thank God for everything He has given me.
And it was a lovely day of nothing...we don't have many of those around these parts but today we did and I enjoyed it. We went out for a run before it got too hot, played with lots of toys, painted all of our toenails, ate lunch, had naps, played more until daddy came home. And when daddy came home, he said it looked like a hurricane had hit all of the rooms but 1 bedroom.
True story, there were toys EVERYWHERE, bathrooms included. And I said, this is what happens when we stay home all day.
But what also happens when we stay home all day is that I can appreciate everything that I have right here in arm's reach. I LOVED every second of playing with my girls. I LOVED getting to lay out for 20 min while they napped. I LOVED feeling the sun beating on me and hearing the birds chirping.
God is so good. All the time.
I need to take my more to appreciate everything and thank God for everything He has given me.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Birthday America!
Today is the Birthday of our wonderful country, The United States of America. Let's celebrate the USA!
Have you seen this article?
Ridiculous! If your loyalty is to the entire world lady, go live somewhere else in the world.
Lady Liberty did not and does not welcome anyone here that wishes to change what our Founding Fathers envisioned 235 years ago. She is here to welcome people that want to EMBRACE the Founding Fathers' vision.
Do you have a flag? If you do, go pledge allegiance to it now. If you don't, get
U S A...U S A...U S A...U S A
Have you seen this article?
Ridiculous! If your loyalty is to the entire world lady, go live somewhere else in the world.
Lady Liberty did not and does not welcome anyone here that wishes to change what our Founding Fathers envisioned 235 years ago. She is here to welcome people that want to EMBRACE the Founding Fathers' vision.
Do you have a flag? If you do, go pledge allegiance to it now. If you don't, get
U S A...U S A...U S A...U S A
Friday, June 24, 2011
do boys poop standing up?
A late night (as in 9:45 pm) convo with my almost 3 year old:
preface: earlier in the day, when she had to use the potty, the toliet seat was up and we had to put it down.
Mady: why was the toilet seat up this morning?
Mommy: because Uncle Chris used it last and forgot to put it back down
Mady: why does he put the seat up?
Mommy: because boys pee standing up?
Mady: why?
Mommy: because they have different peepees than girls.
Mady: i have a peepee
Mommy: yes, you do but boys have a different one.
Mady: do boys poop standing up?
Mommy: no, everyone poops sitting down
Ah, the joys of motherhood :) If only all the questions she is going to ask me were that easy :)
preface: earlier in the day, when she had to use the potty, the toliet seat was up and we had to put it down.
Mady: why was the toilet seat up this morning?
Mommy: because Uncle Chris used it last and forgot to put it back down
Mady: why does he put the seat up?
Mommy: because boys pee standing up?
Mady: why?
Mommy: because they have different peepees than girls.
Mady: i have a peepee
Mommy: yes, you do but boys have a different one.
Mady: do boys poop standing up?
Mommy: no, everyone poops sitting down
Ah, the joys of motherhood :) If only all the questions she is going to ask me were that easy :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Two Words...Chuck Norris
I'm a huge Huckabee fan and I wish he was throwing his hat in the ring for the GOP nom. When he ran last time, I LOVED this ad from him...
And obviously it was not his only idea for our national security but it was a pretty funny one.
So although Herman Cain may not be Chuck Norris approved, here's a link to his thoughts on national security... "It's about defending America"
So true, our security comes first. I believe Arizona should be able to have their own laws protecting their borders.
One of my facebook friends recently posted this "If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education, & tax free business for 7 yrs. " All of those may not be totally on point but they are pretty close so in addition to our US citizens' security being jeopardized, we are also spending millions of dollars to give these people a life. I'm all about people coming here legally but illegally, I'm going to unleash Chuck Norris on our borders.
Some Chuck Norris-isms to send you on your way today:
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.
Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
When Chuck Norris' remote control batteries die, the remote continues to function out of pure terror.
Chuck Norris doesn’t do push ups, he pushes the earth down.
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
And obviously it was not his only idea for our national security but it was a pretty funny one.
So although Herman Cain may not be Chuck Norris approved, here's a link to his thoughts on national security... "It's about defending America"
So true, our security comes first. I believe Arizona should be able to have their own laws protecting their borders.
One of my facebook friends recently posted this "If you cross the U.S. border illegally you get a job, a driver's license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing & child benefits, education, & tax free business for 7 yrs. " All of those may not be totally on point but they are pretty close so in addition to our US citizens' security being jeopardized, we are also spending millions of dollars to give these people a life. I'm all about people coming here legally but illegally, I'm going to unleash Chuck Norris on our borders.
Some Chuck Norris-isms to send you on your way today:
Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.
Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
When Chuck Norris' remote control batteries die, the remote continues to function out of pure terror.
Chuck Norris doesn’t do push ups, he pushes the earth down.
Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Israel was, is, and always needs to be our homeboy
Another reason I like Herman Cain.
Israel is our ally. If Obama has his way, they will not be much longer.
Israel is fighting for THEIR land, it's THEIR land. They're not trying to take it away from someone else, they just want what was theirs to begin with. The Palestinians are the ones who are trying to steal someone else's land.
If Canada decided to try to come across the US border and take some of Michigan or Washington, what would we do? DEFEND our land!
Why does this not apply in Israel? Why do we think they should succumb to their enemies?
Have ya seen Israel? It's not a big country, It's not like they have a land the size of Russia and are being greedy.
If we turn our backs on Israel, God will not look favorably on our nation (not that there's anything to look favorably on at this point anyway). Israel is God's chosen people and He will be sure to protect them. Leviticus 26:44: "Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God."
Herman Cain is pro-Israel. He feels we as a country should stand behind them and that they should be able to defend themselves. He might not know the entire history of their situation in their land but he's honest about that and he's educating himself on it but he's smart enough still to know they need to be our homeboy.
Israel is our ally. If Obama has his way, they will not be much longer.
Israel is fighting for THEIR land, it's THEIR land. They're not trying to take it away from someone else, they just want what was theirs to begin with. The Palestinians are the ones who are trying to steal someone else's land.
If Canada decided to try to come across the US border and take some of Michigan or Washington, what would we do? DEFEND our land!
Why does this not apply in Israel? Why do we think they should succumb to their enemies?
Have ya seen Israel? It's not a big country, It's not like they have a land the size of Russia and are being greedy.
If we turn our backs on Israel, God will not look favorably on our nation (not that there's anything to look favorably on at this point anyway). Israel is God's chosen people and He will be sure to protect them. Leviticus 26:44: "Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God."
Herman Cain is pro-Israel. He feels we as a country should stand behind them and that they should be able to defend themselves. He might not know the entire history of their situation in their land but he's honest about that and he's educating himself on it but he's smart enough still to know they need to be our homeboy.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Remember when Salt and Pepa were risque?
I do.
Back in the day, Salt N Pepa's let's talk about sex was terribly risque and on the edge. Me and my friends used to sing it on the bus to and from school and would change "sex" to basketball or some other word that made no sense with the song but we as 12 year olds felt we could sing.
Now, there's these absolutely hyper sexulized songs like Rihanna's S&M. I don't listen to regular radio ( I <3 Sirius XM's 90's on 9 and 80's on 8) but happened to catch the beginning of the American Music Awards when I was flipping through channels and saw Rihanna perform this song. I could not imagine sitting there with my children watching that and thinking it was "ok" or "normal". The media has slowly desensitized our country by starting out with songs like Let's talk about sex and look where we are now not even 20 years later...12 year olds want to emulate Rihanna and Lady Gaga (don't even get me started on her).
I know I can't shield my children from everything but I'm definitely going to be very vigilant in what they are exposed to and be sure to explain why so many of these things are so very wrong. And speaking of vigilant... is a great website to check out. This guy analyzes amoung other things, music videos, print ads, commercials and what the symbolism in them means. 99% of the stuff this guy says, my dad has been saying to me since I was 10 and now that I'm older, I'm able to understand it much better and see what my dad was saying all along.
"yes, Casey Kasem, I'd like to request Salt N Pepa Let's talk about sex because that doesn't seem all that bad now does it?"
Back in the day, Salt N Pepa's let's talk about sex was terribly risque and on the edge. Me and my friends used to sing it on the bus to and from school and would change "sex" to basketball or some other word that made no sense with the song but we as 12 year olds felt we could sing.
Now, there's these absolutely hyper sexulized songs like Rihanna's S&M. I don't listen to regular radio ( I <3 Sirius XM's 90's on 9 and 80's on 8) but happened to catch the beginning of the American Music Awards when I was flipping through channels and saw Rihanna perform this song. I could not imagine sitting there with my children watching that and thinking it was "ok" or "normal". The media has slowly desensitized our country by starting out with songs like Let's talk about sex and look where we are now not even 20 years later...12 year olds want to emulate Rihanna and Lady Gaga (don't even get me started on her).
I know I can't shield my children from everything but I'm definitely going to be very vigilant in what they are exposed to and be sure to explain why so many of these things are so very wrong. And speaking of vigilant... is a great website to check out. This guy analyzes amoung other things, music videos, print ads, commercials and what the symbolism in them means. 99% of the stuff this guy says, my dad has been saying to me since I was 10 and now that I'm older, I'm able to understand it much better and see what my dad was saying all along.
"yes, Casey Kasem, I'd like to request Salt N Pepa Let's talk about sex because that doesn't seem all that bad now does it?"
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
here's why...
So...this is my first blog and I'm a little excited and a little apprehensive. I decided to do this mainly to get my 2 cents out "there" on where I stand with the political and world situations and I'll throw in some light, fluffy stuff about how super cute my girls are and some of the silly stuff they do.
To begin, I'm signing each post m.h. because that is what my Uncle Jim always called me when I was little and still calls me today when I see him on rare occasions. m.h. is my first and middle initial. It was his little nickname for me and he always says it with love. My profile pic is currently me on the rope swing with one of my daughters at gymnastics...and it just makes me think of how sometimes you just need to take that step and not know what's going to happen next and what may be out there to catch you or with that analogy, I'm "swinging" with it and starting this blog.
Herman Cain 2012 is my mantra right now! Knew about him before the debate on Monday night, already liked him, watched the debate, did more research on him and am totally gung ho for him now. He fully encapsulates my beliefs and values on how this country should be run and what path we should be taking. Check out his website...
To begin, I'm signing each post m.h. because that is what my Uncle Jim always called me when I was little and still calls me today when I see him on rare occasions. m.h. is my first and middle initial. It was his little nickname for me and he always says it with love. My profile pic is currently me on the rope swing with one of my daughters at gymnastics...and it just makes me think of how sometimes you just need to take that step and not know what's going to happen next and what may be out there to catch you or with that analogy, I'm "swinging" with it and starting this blog.
Herman Cain 2012 is my mantra right now! Knew about him before the debate on Monday night, already liked him, watched the debate, did more research on him and am totally gung ho for him now. He fully encapsulates my beliefs and values on how this country should be run and what path we should be taking. Check out his website...
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