I'm super bummed that my man Herman has "suspended" his campaign. He's out, I know he's out. He can't successfully come back from this in a few weeks. I wish he could and if he does, well then I might start watching out for those tigers in our neighborhood that my daughter wanted me to warn her about.
oh, maybe I shouldn't have said "my man" Herman, now you all think him and I have had like a 10 year affair, right?
It stinks...it all stinks...as in poo like everything that those women said is poo. They were put up to it by someone who already thinks they know who's going to be our next president. The women who alleged sexual harrassment were all of very questionable character. They pretty much make a living off of settling sexual harrassment or other workplace complaints. The last woman who claimed they had a 13 year affair had nothing to back that up with besides a cell phone number that was Herman's. How many cell phone numbers of the opposite sex do you have? Does that mean you're having an affair with them?
My man was surging in the polls and "they" knew they had to do something about it. So they attacked his 9-9-9 plan..."it has no merit", "it won't work", "people will pay more in tax"...blah, blah, blah...well the American people weren't buying what they were being fed this time. So "they" got back to thinking....and I imagined it went something like this...from the Veggie Tales' King Darius Suite..."we could use him as a foot stool or a table to play scabble on, then tie him up, beat him up, and throw him outta Babylon".
Although instead of any of those grand ideas, they said let's pull some women out of the woodwork who can claim infedility and such. Well apparently, it worked on Herman, which just stirs my stew. Because good old Mr. Gingrich has told us how he's cheated on his wives 53 times and apparently that's just fine. Good for you Newty boy! Way to get some! Bleh!
"Allegedly" the race is now between Newt and Romney....how about a fork to my left hand? I'd say Paul but I know he's too much of a loon to get elected by all of America.
Here's my call to Mr. Trump to throw his hat in the ring...and if he won't...then Judge Judy will be receiving a letter from me very shortly...
so interesting! I didn't know any of that...but I bet he was put up by the people who know who will win the election...such good insight. Last election I wrote Ron Paul in for my vote...and it's crazy that he's even being talked baout this election...I wish he would win...but yes, he's VERY out there in his principles...but I think they are so crazy they just might work...