preface: earlier in the day, when she had to use the potty, the toliet seat was up and we had to put it down.
Mady: why was the toilet seat up this morning?
Mommy: because Uncle Chris used it last and forgot to put it back down
Mady: why does he put the seat up?
Mommy: because boys pee standing up?
Mady: why?
Mommy: because they have different peepees than girls.
Mady: i have a peepee
Mommy: yes, you do but boys have a different one.
Mady: do boys poop standing up?
Mommy: no, everyone poops sitting down
Ah, the joys of motherhood :) If only all the questions she is going to ask me were that easy :)
Seriously just found your blog and this story is hilarious! Literally had me laughing out loud. Mady is awesome. So funny!