Thursday, June 16, 2011

Remember when Salt and Pepa were risque?

I do.

Back in the day, Salt N Pepa's let's talk about sex was terribly risque and on the edge. Me and my friends used to sing it on the bus to and from school and would change "sex" to basketball or some other word that made no sense with the song but we as 12 year olds felt we could sing.
Now, there's these absolutely hyper sexulized songs like Rihanna's S&M. I don't listen to regular radio ( I <3 Sirius XM's 90's on 9 and 80's on 8) but happened to catch the beginning of the American Music Awards when I was flipping through channels and saw Rihanna perform this song. I could not imagine sitting there with my children watching that and thinking it was "ok" or "normal". The media has slowly desensitized our country by starting out with songs like Let's talk about sex and look where we are now not even 20 years later...12 year olds want to emulate Rihanna and Lady Gaga (don't even get me started on her).
I know I can't shield my children from everything but I'm definitely going to be very vigilant in what they are exposed to and be sure to explain why so many of these things are so very wrong. And speaking of vigilant... is a great website to check out. This guy analyzes amoung other things, music videos, print ads, commercials and what the symbolism in them means. 99% of the stuff this guy says, my dad has been saying to me since I was 10 and now that I'm older, I'm able to understand it much better and see what my dad was saying all along.

"yes, Casey Kasem, I'd like to request Salt N Pepa Let's talk about sex because that doesn't seem all that bad now does it?"

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