Another reason I like Herman Cain.
Israel is our ally. If Obama has his way, they will not be much longer.
Israel is fighting for THEIR land, it's THEIR land. They're not trying to take it away from someone else, they just want what was theirs to begin with. The Palestinians are the ones who are trying to steal someone else's land.
If Canada decided to try to come across the US border and take some of Michigan or Washington, what would we do? DEFEND our land!
Why does this not apply in Israel? Why do we think they should succumb to their enemies?
Have ya seen Israel? It's not a big country, It's not like they have a land the size of Russia and are being greedy.
If we turn our backs on Israel, God will not look favorably on our nation (not that there's anything to look favorably on at this point anyway). Israel is God's chosen people and He will be sure to protect them.
Leviticus 26:44: "Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God."
Herman Cain is pro-Israel. He feels we as a country should stand behind them and that they should be able to defend themselves. He might not know the entire history of their situation in their land but he's honest about that and he's educating himself on it but he's smart enough still to know they need to be our homeboy.