Friday, March 23, 2012

George Zimmerman is a yahoo PERIOD So is the Sanford PD Chief PERIOD

First, I'm sorry for the long hiatus...I was a bit disheartened by Cain's exit and the bleek outlook of the GOP candidates but I'm starting to feel a bit encouraged by Santorum's wins and the fact that Americans seem to not be buying into all the media hype.

I signed the petition for action to be taken against George Zimmerman and the Sanford PD and for the feds to investigate the whole situation before this story was even making headlines. Now it's making headlines every day and rightfully so. Trayvon Martin did not deserve to be shot by such a ignorant yahoo. He did not deserve to be followed by George Zimmerman or even to have called 911 in the first place because he was walking in the neighborhood that he was. The Sanford PD should have immediately investigated and not ruled Zimmerman's actions self defense, what was Trayvon going to throw skittles at him?
Trayvon deserves justice and his face should be all over the news to be remembered and his family should be going around telling everyone what a wonderful boy he was.
Zimmerman deserves the death penalty. If you don't agree with that, that's another post I can write my thoughts about at another time. He shot and took the life of a defenseless boy that he was pursuing when 911 told him NOT to. Don't waste my tax dollars sitting in jail.
Now what I do have more of an issue with is how the media is twisting this into something else, into a race issue. I know what Zimmerman said in the 911 call. Zimmerman is hispanic so then it's really a minority against minority thing that's going on. BUT I don't think that's it at all. Zimmerman was just acting as a vigilante bestowed upon him by himself in his community and is an idiot. So let's not turn this into something it's not. Thankfully, you don't hear about these kinds of things happening everyday.
It just really got to me when I logged into Yahoo and see the headline of President Obama saying, "If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon." In the words of my beloved Judge Judy, "If I had taller parents, I'd be 5'9."