On a side note to what I really want to write about today, Cain rocked the debate last night, it wasn't televised but it was online. Everyone is attacking him now (which means he's doing well and they want to knock him down) but he handled himself very well and if the worst they can come up with is that his 9-9-9 plan sounds like a pizza deal, then la-te-da. Herman Cain has America's best interest in mind and Americans are noticing!
Now, onto what I really wanted to write about...Veggie Tales spoke to me this morning...well it wasn't really Veggie Tales, it was Jesus but it was through Veggie Tales.
It doesn't matter if you're listening/singing worship songs in church, in the shower, or in the car while Bob the Tomato is belting it out, it's the same message..."Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God, You are higher than any other"
As I was singing along with the songs, I was literally brought to tears (in such a good way). Our God is greater and stronger and loves us so much, He gave His only Son to die on the cross for us. He is Amazing! And I'm so thankful that I was raised by 2 parents that knew of God's love and shared it with me. As I was listening to Mady in the backseat singing along, it just warmed my heart. She already knows how much Jesus loves her!
God's love and what He did for us is such a simple concept but it's not easy for people to understand. We are all sinners and deserve death but God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and take our place. All we have to do is...believe! Just believe that He did this and give Him our heart and we will have eternal life in heaven with Him. I think it's easier for a child to understand this because they don't have all of the doubt and negativity that adults have so when you present the truth to them, they believe it. It's so simple and I pray that if you are reading this, you know of God's love and have given your heart to Him.
And if you want a little Veggie Tales to make your day brighter...check it out here
As Larry the Cucumber says "Testify Tomato" :)